Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Though I will miss spending the holiday with my family, India has given me a much deeper sense of gratitude. The people here are genuinely happy, kind and giving despite how little they have -or perhaps because of it.

Sagar, one of our masons worries almost as much as my parents about how we are eating; it must seem impossible to him that we are competent of cooking a decent meal (no comments, please). So Sunday he insisted on bringing us both breakfast and supper and then came in to survey our kitchen to confirm that it was suitable. He seemed appeased by all the vegetables we have on hand, but still said he would be back with food again next week. I was so touched I almost cried.

Pumpkin pie or not, this is sure to be a memorable Thanksgiving. I wish you all a very happy holiday and send you each my love!