Friday, September 02, 2005


I'm in a bit of a panic right now, after several more fundraising possibilities have fallen through. We're leaving in TWO WEEKS! Trav's doing a great job of writing letters to every possible donor; I guess rejection is part of the game.

I haven't been too worried about anything during this whole process. I suppose some apprehension is to be expected when going into a situation with so many unknowns. Still, that's what makes this so exciting and rewarding. This is only the first of many great obstacles to overcome.

Now I have to work on purchasing our train tickets: one and a half days across the country!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Our Pretty New URL


Watch out: we've got a fire in our bellies! After some great advice from my mother and her colleague Holly, we've spent the weekend re-vamping our website. New web address, new account, new blog. Thanks for everyone's help!