Thursday, November 03, 2005

Happy Diwali!

While all of you were trick-or-treating, we were playing with sparklers! November 1st is Diwali (DEE-vall-ee), a Hindu-oriented but very secularized holiday likened to Christmas (in scale, not in religious affiliation).

Travis and I felt like "two Jewish kids on Christmas," but from what we could gather everyone wears new clothes like on Easter, makes a big feast like Thanksgiving and plays with fireworks like the 4th of July. We attended an Auroville celebration on Monday with fireworks and a musical performance and then a separate celebration in our community on Tuesday. There was lots of food and sweets and all kinds of fireworks we'd never be allowed to play with at home (sorry, Dad).

We were unsure about it all at first (isn't it a bad idea to let 5 year-olds play with explosives?) but pretty soon we were wrapped up in the excitement, lighting large displays and running around with the children. There was something magical about the palm leaves and the people silhouetted in the colored lights and smoke.

We both missed candy corn and costumes, but this was a pretty good trade off.


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

GREAT photos! So glad that you are moving on to the next stage of the building progress and that you got to participate in the local celebration!

Lauren's mom


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